Thursday, July 14, 2011


My, these last few weeks have been crazy!  So much has happened; I really don’t know where to start.  There’s the prospect of Glenn Beck running for Governor here in Texas.  Then there’s Michelle Bachmann’s signing of “The Marriage Vow” pledge and her husband trying to straighten out gay people.  Or, Rupert Murdoch’s empire being threatened.  Then there’s the Republicans coming undone over the Debt Ceiling negotiations.  Also, the seemingly daily creepy revelations regarding the people backing Our Governor of the Unnaturally Wide Shoulders day of fasting and praying here in Houston.  I think I’ll start with Murdoch.

I remember hearing about this phone hacking crap years ago, but nobody cared because it was just movie stars, Prince Charles, and Camilla who were victimized.  What’s the harm, right? Yeah, right.  It took significant public outcry for Parliament and Prime Minister Cameron to finally start saying something from the floor of Parliament.  It can’t because most of the politicians are beholding to the Murdoch family, can it?  I was listening to the radio when I heard Murdoch’s reply to the hacking by his employees was, “Deplorable and unacceptable.”  I was immediately put in mind of the scene from Casablanca when the Police Prefect was closing down Rick’s CafĂ©, because he was, “shocked, shocked to find gambling going on.” just as the Roulette dealer brings him his winnings from that evening.  Is it such a stretch of the imagination that if it happened in the UK it can happen here?  Why is it only a few Democratic Senators and one lone Republican Congressman (Peter King of the Muslim Hearings, if you can believe it) have asked for an inquiry into the possibility of phones being illegally tapped here?  There’s FOX, the New York Post, (I’d really hate to think he could corrupt the Wall Street Journal that quickly.)  I think this is something that is going to play out for some time.

On to happier things… Glenn Beck the Carpetbagger!  If he runs for Governor here in Texas he will give carpetbagging a whole, new, twisted, twist.  Most of the original carpetbaggers came south after the Civil War to help newly freed slaves get established as actual citizens of this country, to be sure, some just came down to make a buck.  Beck, I think will fit into that latter portion and turn the former portion on it’s head.  I can envision him happily and steadfastly trying to restrict a citizen’s right to vote, and probably peaceably assemble, and the way our Legislature is right now, and will likely remain for the foreseeable future, they will go right along to Crazy Town with him.  While he actually has moved to Dallas, Texas and opened a new broadcast studio from which to spew his crazy brand of crazy, it is just pure speculation that he will run for Governor.  But you can never be too careful when it comes to Texas politics and crazy, crazy people running for office.  Look at George Bush.  Now, even Beck is not crazy enough to run against Our Governor of the Unnaturally Wide Shoulders, so he will have to bide his time.  Which brings me to…

Those exceedingly insane people that are behind Rick Perry’s day, the Response, I will not refer to them as religious people, because they babble nothing but hate and insanity.  The web site, Right Wing Watch, has been posting examples of their extreme views on everything from the Statue of Liberty being a demonic idol to Oprah Winfrey being a harbinger to the anti-Christ.  Here are just a couple of examples: from John Benefiel, I’m not even sure how to classify this one, it’s so idiotic and bat-shit-crazy all at once,
“Homosexuality was and is one of [Baal’s] big strongholds. Now we’re not against homosexuals, but we are against homosexuality because the Bible very—clearly God says ‘I hate it, don’t do it.’ By the way, homosexuality is a great way to control the population. Do you understand? I’m serious about this and I’ve seen this in lots of places, that the entity that we call the Illuminati which is really over, above Free Masonry, has stated it as their goal…to limit the world population to no more than 500 million. Do you realize that means getting rid of all of us? Because there’s between 6 and 7 billion people in the world today, and to get from 6 to 7 billion down to 500 million you gonna have to kill a lot of people off. What do you think the health care bill is? Oh yes, it’s a death culture. What about homosexuality, that’s a great way to limit the population. It’s not a great way it’s a perverted way, isn’t it.”
Alice Smith explaining Spiritual House Cleaning,
“Many families, even Christian families, suffer needlessly from unseen evil infestations. This doesn’t just happen.
A demonically infected atmosphere is a result of “doors” that have been left open—doors of sin, even the sins of previous residents and of past generations! And evil’s grip is often maintained as a result of one’s possessions.”
All of these people are listed as official sponsors of Our Governor of the Unnaturally Wide Shoulders for Christians only event.  Their kind of rhetoric is not, in my book, religious and certainly not Christian, it’s simply nuts. 
Speaking of nuts: Michelle Bachmann, when asked about signing “The Marriage Vow,” responded to the question with one of her nuttiest responses yet.  She signed it because she considered marriage to be(see video), “the fundamental unit of our Government.” Huh?  Since when?  I had no idea!  I must have been absent that day in school.  And, what, by the way, does the rejection of Sharia Law (it’s in the pledge) have to do with a Marriage Vow?  Why do these people have so little faith in our country and our Constitution as to think that the United States will suddenly chuck it’s laws in favor of Sharia Law?  Really!  Speaking of missing class, the Congresswoman really needs to go back to American History and First Grade Math.  She then needs to look at, among others, whose signature is on the Declaration of Independence, and also realize that the second President of the United States came before the sixth so she can understand that John Adams not John Q. Adams was one of our Founding Fathers.  Also, it was the Civil War that eliminated slavery, it was not that the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery.   

You know how Bachmann always spouts off about being a job creator?  Well, apparently, she & her husband, Marcus, have hired a whole lot of homophobic fanatics cut from the same seconds cloth pile as they were to staff their so-called Christian Mental Health Clinic to pray the gay away and other discredited forms of reparative therapy.  Junk science from junk politicians.  You know that as soon as Rick Perry enters the race her poll numbers will most likely plummet because he will knock her off the podium with his unnaturally wide shoulders.   
Finally; an adult showed up on the Republican side of the aisle of the Senate, Mitch McConnell rose to speak to President Obama about the debt ceiling.  While the rest of the Republicans are at each other’s throats and Eric Cantor acted like a two-year old baby, Senator McConnell proposed removing politics from the equation.  Of course, he is trying to couch it in terms that will make it somewhat palatable to enough of his fellow Republicans, the adults are fine with it and the children are not.  Here’s an adult; Senator Lindsey Graham as quoted in Politco, “Our problem is we made a big deal about this for three months. How many Republicans have been on TV saying, ‘I’m not going to raise the debt limit.’ You know, Mitch [McConnell] says, ‘I’m not going to raise the debt limit unless we talk about Medicare.’ And I’ve said I’m not going to raise the debt limit until we do something about spending and entitlements.’ So we’ve got nobody to blame but ourselves.”  Here’s a child, (you will find her 1:33 into this video) “President Obama is holding the full faith and credit of the United States hostage so that he can continue his spending spree.  We’re saying President Obama, is your spending spree really that important to you that you would put at risk the full faith and credit of the United States?” Isn’t it just amazing how they always accuse their opponent of doing what they are doing?  

 All most of these people care about is keeping 
President Obama from governing.  That is what is behind all of this ridiculous debt ceiling nonsense.  The fact that he might actually get re-elected for a second term is driving them to distraction, and possibly fracture.  This, you might be surprised to hear me say, is not good, since we need the smart ones for balance.  

Last, but not least, a great and kind Lady was laid to rest today.  This country will miss her steadying hand.  Rest in peace, Betty Ford.