Monday, August 8, 2011

Economics, Prazies, & Racists, oh my!

One of the things that really pisses me off is the amnesia that has struck every single Republican in office or running for office.  This economic mess did not start with President Obama’s term; President W created the vast majority of it!  Yes, the deficit has grown under President Obama, but that is in large part because he no longer fought the wars off the books like his predecessor.  Also, the stimulus package added to it, but it, actually, was not big enough to really work.  So, in that, yes, I do fault the President in not going far enough to help out the people, like he did the auto industry and he and W did the financial industry. 

Standard & Poor’s, as far as I’m concerned, lost all legitimacy in 2008.  They are the ones that gave all of the toxic asset companies triple A ratings.  Just because I think S&P lacks legitimacy doesn’t mean a damn thing, however.  They decided to keep on with their illegitimate ways and join hands with the Tea Party and wreak further havoc.  The ridiculous sideshow those supposed patriots put on over the debt ceiling, which, I might add, gave cover to the rest of those pledged-signing-never-going-to-raise-taxes-Republicans, just gave S&P an excuse.  Now look at everything!  The markets around the world have gone crazy, like it’s 2008 all over again. 
S&P is now acting like a petulant little child.  All you had to do was watch the interviews with John Chambers & you could see it in his face that another tantrum was coming.  Today, they downgraded Fannie and Freddie.  It looks like the state’s bonds are next in their sights.  Are they trying to push the US and then, consequently, the world into another Great Depression?  I doubt it, but really, they need to get a grip, especially in light of Moody’s and Fitch upholding our credit rating. 
I’m not saying that the reasoning behind the downgrade is not true, but so far, the US has not missed a payment.  No thanks to the Tea Party and the rest of the Republicans that cower to them.  So in reality this stock sell off mess rests squarely at their feet.  Jerks!  So, the downgrade is based on politics, not finances.  Therefore, the S&P needs to back off and reassess. 
Being in Houston, I’m just glad the weekend is over, now all of those crazy evangelicals that sponsored Rick Perry’s, Our Governor of the Unnaturally Wide Shoulders, over-the –top day long fast & prazy (pray + crazy = prazy) event have cleared out of town.  Bachmann, not to be outdone,  attended her own prazy in IowaThose two are heading for quite the showdown.  She better have a weapon to combat his shoulder pads or she’s done for.
Oh, I saw on a couple of different newscasts that The Donald is thinking of getting back into the race.  Why do those networks even give that head-carpet-wearing, attention-seeking, blowhard the time of day?
And now for something completely different… I am so tired of people using racist statements when talking about President Obama & then denying that they had any idea that the statement could be misconstrued as racist.  What planet must you be from if you do not know that referring to a person of African descent as a tar baby is racist?  Really, Representative Lamborn, really?  The questioning of Barack Obama’s birthplace; the cartoons depicting Michelle Obama as Zera from Planet of the Apes; the photo of the chimp family with the President’s face superimposed over the baby chimp’s; all of this we are supposed to believe was not intended as racist.  Would the Congressman, Joe Wilson, from South Carolina have yelled out, “You lie!” from the floor of Congress during a speech the President was giving if the President was white?  I hardly think so.  Rush Limbaugh (who makes my head explode every time I hear his disgusting, grunting-pig-at-the-trough-like voice) is always there to defend these preposterous statements as completely innocent, and complains that he no longer will be able to utter the phrase, “tar baby,” when referring to an African-American without someone calling him a racist.  Poor misunderstood junkie.  I fear for this country and the tone of the 2012 election, especially if it ends up being a rightwing nut that earns the Republican nomination.  Being from the south, I knew racism would raise it’s repulsive head, but I didn’t expect quite so many other people to condone it with their silence.          

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Just Curious

So, I wonder if the food booths were open or closed during the Prayerathon/Fastingapalooza goings on at the Reliant Stadium today?  Would the vendors really pass up the chance of selling their wares?