Monday, January 9, 2012

Iowa & Other Stuff

Here are a couple of things I took away from Iowa last Tuesday.  One, 70% of the Republicans voting decided not to go with a buffoon.  Now that, to me, is significant.  I guess I should explain my definition of buffoon.  Basically, as it applies to the Republican field this go round, it's anyone who can put together a coherent sentence, followed by a coherent paragraph, followed by a coherent position.  In other words, they have a literate and thoughtful platform from which to run for the office of the President of the United States.  I know many people think Ron Paul is a buffoon, but at least he can speak in complete sentences.  He doesn't make my head explode trying to follow his verbal and grammatical gymnastics. (Same with Santorum)  I agree with almost nothing they say, but at least I feel like I could carry on an intelligent conversation with them as long as Santorum and I never talk about abortion.  I might just lose control and hit him or something and then the Secret Service would have to get involved and it would just be ugly.  There are some things I cannot remain calm about when talking to someone with the opposite point of view.  Abortion is one of those issues that I start foaming at the mouth when I get into an argument about it.  I know my limitations, which is more than some people.  Anyway...

The second thing I took away from Iowa is this:  How does winning six less votes in this record setting voter turnout Caucus than the last Caucus in 2008 translate into front-runner status.  I know, I know, everybody says Mitty is going to win the nomination.  Yet, still, 75% of Republican voters would rather it was someone else.  We all know that the Republicans will fall in line behind whoever their nominee ends up being, which as a Democrat, at times I envy that, then I realize that's just lock-step mentality, but still...  Back to my point about Romney and his six fewer votes.  I cannot remember a time when a candidate has sold their soul so thoroughly to get their party's nomination and still not really be accepted by the ones that go out and vote during primaries.  I wonder how much of himself he has really lost, and (win or lose) will it truly be worth it in the end?  I know he scored eight more votes than Santorum, but six fewer votes in a record turnout translate to a whole bunch more people that prefer someone else in there besides you. 

Racist Much?

An elementary school in Norcross, GA had some unusual word problems on a math test recently:  
“Each tree had 56 oranges. If eight slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?”    
“If Frederick got two beatings per day, how many beatings did he get in one week?”              
The district spokesperson, Sloan Roach said, "the teachers were trying to do a cross-curricular activity.”  Sure, they were Mister Roach.  You know I cannot think of a more appropriate name for you.  What's the teacher's name? Legree? 

More Thoughts on Iowa

I am kind of sorry Bachmann dropped out, though.  That makes one less bat-shit-crazy person to make fun of in the race.  Whom am I kidding?  Now my head will be exploding less since I will be hearing her voice far less often (God please make it so, because it never really happened with Palin.  Her side lost the election; she was supposed to go back into obscurity, damn it!).

When Our Governor of the Unnaturally Wide Shoulders said he was going back to Texas to reassess his campaign, I didn't realize he meant he was going to astral project back here.  Really, is it me or was that the fastest reassessment and non-trip back to Texas we've seen in quite some time?  I guess he's more like Shrub than he knows.  OGOTUWS seems to have gone with his "gut," even his closest advisers were caught off guard.  Now he seems to be thinking of himself as Stephen F. Austin or Jim Bowie or John Wayne.  He is calling the South Carolina Primary his Alamo.  He has such a small ego, it's a wonder he got into the Presidential race to begin with. 

One Last Thing

Go TEXANS!  Great game Saturday against the Bengals!  It's time to put the Ravens back on their nest!  Good Luck in Baltimore!