Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rick Perry: MIA

OK, as you may know I live in Texas (Houston, TX, to be exact) and with the exception of Florida, geographically speaking, Texas is about as far south as you can get, within the continental United States.  I mean we are usually hot and humid down here in this part of Texas, at least.   Now Texas is big and the extreme northern part of the state is used to fairly extreme winter weather, but the vast majority of the state is not.  And certainly, we are not used to rolling power outages in the middle of the coldest winter weather in over a decade!  (Remember, we were the home state of Enron, they did that to other states.)  So, don’t you think that our Governor should stick around just in case he might be needed?  Instead, the day the blackouts began he left the state and flew to California for Ronald Reagan’s 100th Birthday Celebration, which is not even until Sunday!  Even I knew from news reports from early that morning to expect the blackouts, so Governor Perry cannot very well claim ignorance of the situation before leaving the state.  All of this re-enforces his image of not caring about the people Texas.  While pipes were bursting, Governor Perry was in California.  While the City of Houston had city buses stationed throughout the city so people who needed a warm place to go could just go get on one, Governor Perry was in California.  While cars and trucks were sliding all over our streets and highways from Brownsville to Corpus Christie to Houston to Austin to El Paso to Dallas to Tyler to Amarillo, Governor Perry was in California. 

Governor Perry will return to Texas Sunday night, after we have all thawed out, to once again show his broad shoulders and good hair to the Legislators that will be back at work the next morning. 

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