Sunday, April 10, 2011

Where Do I Begin?

I am not a very consistent Blogger, and it has been a while since I last wrote anything, so… Where DO  I begin?

Here it is, Sunday April 10, 2011, just two weeks before Easter.  Ever since the day after Ash Wednesday, those misguided, anti-abortion people (I’m trying to be charitable here, but I may lose this impulse later) have stationed themselves just outside of Planned Parenthood locations throughout this country, harassing women seeking medical attention as they are on their way into and out of these greatly needed facilities.  Here in Houston, unfortunately, those harassments have included bringing a “Crisis Pregnancy Center” with them. This is a glorified bus with some medical equipment installed that they park just outside of Planned Parenthood.  As you might imagine people with their own twisted agenda are staffing this bus. In addition, according to Planned Parenthood’s Gulf Coast chapter’s web site, (, the women entering the bus are receiving a less than honest medical assessment of their pregnancy.  In other words these women (women without insurance, nor the finances to seek out a private physician, mind you) in search legitimate medical advice are being subjected to dirty tricks and outright lies from those holy people praying for their souls: how Christian of them. 

Just a couple of days ago, the Democrats and Republicans supposedly came to an agreement regarding our Federal budget for the rest of this fiscal year, another five months, thus avoiding a shutdown of most of the Federal Government.  What was the sticking point for the final agreement?  You got it, Planned Parenthood!  What is with these right-wing, fringe, crazy-ass, people (just lost that charitable impulse) trying to hold our entire country hostage to their extreme ideology!  Not to mention many of the damn Democrats that are complicit in these actions as well!  It really is time for the saner people of both Houses of Congress to rise up against these loudmouth jerks and pull us back from the brink and save this country from those people whose motto is, “Don’t Tread on Me” from treading on everyone else in this country.

Time to switching gears a bit, now.  It is well past time for a permanent, comprehensive,  and National, gun control law.  How many more people have to die by gunshot wounds before we grow a spine and stand up to the NRA and do something?  I am not so afraid of my government that I feel I need a gun to protect myself from it.  Not even through the dark years of George W. Bush’s administration did I ever feel the need for a gun to protect myself from Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Gonzales, et: al.  Now, I am not suggesting that people who feel the need to protect themselves should not be able to purchase a gun, all I am saying is, is that there have to be some more limitations placed upon the types of guns and ammunition available for civilians to purchase.  I think we can safely say that the modern military of the United States is a far cry from the military of 1793, when we needed to rely on a ready militia, and therefore will not need to call up it’s citizenry upon a moment’s notice to fight the invading hoards.  I know this is a lot to ask, but can we just have an adult discussion about gun control?

But, then again, when we have the Pastor of a church named (unbelievably) Dove World Outreach, burning the Koran…maybe not.

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