Monday, June 6, 2011

The Gang’s All… Where?

Oh, those goofy Republicans, what are we going to do with them?  You ask any given, even marginally known, Republican whether he or she is running for President in 2012 the first minute they say, “No, absolutely not.”  The next minute that same Republican is starting an exploratory committee to weigh their options.  The next minute the same person declares, “No” again, because even politicians thinking of running for President have to have their enormous egos run into a reality check.  Then a couple minutes later that, “No” is an emphatic, “I’m in.”  But, if you wait a bit longer that emphatic statement will later become a, “I never really ‘declared’ as a candidate.”  However, we are still very early in the process. 

Ego.  There can be no other explanation for Newt Gingrich slithering, I mean, entering the race, given his extraordinarily cruel past with his ex-wives.  To serve your dying wife with divorce papers while she is in the hospital undergoing chemotherapy so you can marry the woman you have been screwing around with the past however many months is cruelty personified.  Then, to serve wife #2 with divorce papers when she is sick with Multiple Sclerosis so you can marry the woman you have been screwing around with for the last however many months, is another act of breathtaking callousness. (Oh, incidentally, this last affair was going on at the same time, as Speaker of the House, you were prosecuting President Clinton for impeachment for the Monica Lewinsky affair.* How’s that for irony, or as some might say, myself included, hypocrisy) Really Newty baby, your gargantuan ego is only equaled by your overwhelming abhorrence for a black man in the White House.  What else explains your inflammatory statements the last 2 ½ years, here are just a couple of fairly recent examples of your reckless vitriol.

“What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anticolonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]? That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior.”  Wasn’t the US founded on the basis of anti-colonialism?  Just asking.

"This is a person who is fundamentally out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president…I think he worked very hard at being a person who is normal, reasonable, moderate, bipartisan, transparent, accommodating — none of which was true. In the Alinksy tradition, he was being the person he needed to be in order to achieve the position he needed to achieve . . . He was authentically dishonest,"   President Obama stole the White House?  Really?  What do call what happened in Florida in 2000 and with our Supreme Court?

Moving on to Mitt.  Mitt, you poor thing, you sold your soul to the far right wing yahoos of your party during the last election.  You absolutely turned yourself inside out.  You allowed them to make a wishy-washy-I’ll-say-anything-to-get-elected has-been out of you.  You turned on every principal you ever had.  Where did it get you?  You are the supposed front-runner, but you get no respect, and certainly no serious media coverage.  Those darlings of the yahoos that have not even announced, yet, are sucking all of that up.  Such as, Congresswoman Michelle (Un-Intelligent Design & The Democrats are Responsible for Swine Flu) Bachmann; Texas’ own, and a man that is very near and dear to my heart, Our Governor of the Unnaturally Wide Shoulders, Rick Perry (everyone in TX knew he would run); even The (Show me your Birth Certificate) Donald is considering getting back in; and let us not leave out the former, somewhat, Governor of Alaska. (The whole state of Alaska is celebrating the house purchase in AZ)  Mitt, you might have had a chance against President Obama, but not now.  You have disavowed too much of yourself, next you will be converting from Mormon to Southern Baptist or Church of the Nazarene. 
Sara Palin, the Great Communicator…NOT!  Whenever I have to listen to her for more than a few seconds or read a transcript of her statements my brain literally begins to bleed.  Not to mention that voice, it is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard and the sound of cats mating combined.  After visiting the Old North Church in Boston, she came up with another of those moments that really should completely discredit this woman as any serious anything other than a serious attention whore, and a stupid one at that.  But for some reason this kind of excrement just endears her to those yahoos even more!  I don’t know.

In talking about Paul Revere’s ride in 1775 (Please note that 1775 is pre-Second Amendment) Palin spewed forth the following. “He who warned, uh, thuh, ... the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells and, um making sure as he’s riding his horse through town, to send those warning shots and bells that uh, we were going to be secure and we were going to be free and we were going to be armed.“

She later complained that the, “Lamestream media,” as she likes to refer to any reporter or journalist not working for FOX News, asked her another one of those “Gotcha questions.”  The following is the question asked of her, you be the judge.

“What have you seen so far today, and what have you taken from your visit?”  She continues to insist that Paul, in fact, was warning the British, too. 

Then there is Rick Santorum.  The only positive I can bring myself to say about that repulsive, homophobic, misogynistic, Islamophobic, racist, butthead is at least you know what you are getting.

There are so many Republicans and so little time… Ron Paul: Lunatic (though his son is more so); Herman Cain: Doesn’t know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence; Gary Johnson: Pro-Choice, Pro-Immigration, Pro Pot Legalization, Libertarian that doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in hell of getting the Republican nomination with those three “Pro” stands; Fred Karger: Openly Gay, enough said, it’s the snowball thing again; Andy Martin: The Orginal Birther (really); Tom Miller; Career Flight Attendant, Anti-Immigration, Anti-Politician, wants to Re-empower Americans with whatever.  And that’s not all of them! 

I think that’s a whole lot of ego over there on the Republican side.  The next 8 or 10 months are going to be very interesting until the Primaries decide “The Candidate.”  Unfortunately, I think it is going to be a really ugly and hateful 8 or 10 months, and beyond, as it seems that the majority of these people have a great deal of difficulty of having a person of color in charge.  Nevertheless, one can always be hopeful that a fine and decent person will win the Republican nomination by putting an end to the race baiting, subtle or otherwise, that has shaped our political discourse since President Obama took office.  Yes, one can have her dreams.

*Just so there is no misunderstanding; in general, I could care less about a politician’s personal life.  I do not need to know about the intimate details of their marriage, who screwed around on whom or whatever.  That’s not germane.  People make mistakes, people find they are not suited to the person they are married to, things happen.  However, when you are sleazy enough to serve your gravely ill or dying spouse with divorce papers so you can marry someone else that is different and it says something about you as a person.  Or if you are a “Family Values” kind of politician, but you are actually a restroom haunting, closeted homosexual, then you need to be brought out into the bright spotlight of the TV cameras.  What I have a problem with, what I take issue with is Hypocrisy. 

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