Sunday, June 19, 2011

I’ve Been Itching Since Last Monday

Why, you may ask, have I been itching, do I need hydrocortisone ointment?  No. It’s because it was last Monday when some of the Republican Presidential Candidates got together in New Hampshire for a Mutual Admiration Society Meeting combined with the We Hate Obama Club, complete with secret password and handshakes. And finally, I have time to sit down and write about it!  It was billed as a Republican Debate, but anyone watching knew there was no one at those podiums debating another, just look at how Pawlenty refused (on innumerable occasions) to back up his criticism, of just the previous morning, of Romney’s Healthcare Legislation in Massachusetts by tying it to President Obama’s Healthcare Legislation, when he labeled it Obamneycare.    At first he acted as if he did not here nor comprehend the question from the moderator, then finally, Pawlenty said he was only referring to President Obama’s Healthcare Legislation.  Sure.  Right. 

Warning: This is a rather long post, there are 7 candidates to talk about, after all. 

Speaking of Romney; he needs a lesson in recent history.  Someone had asked about the level of troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, in light of Osama Bin Laden’s death.  The following is part of Romney’s answer’ “Our troops shouldn’t go off and try to fight a war of independence for another nation. Only Afghans can win Afghanistan’s independence from the Taliban.”  First of all, we are not in Afghanistan because we are trying to fight a war of independence from the Taliban for them.  We entered Afghanistan because of the events of September 11, 2001.  Secondly, had the Bush Administration not lied to the American people (and the rest of the world) and started a war of choice, “a war of independence for another nation”, from Saddam Hussein, we might not still be in Afghanistan, today.  We certainly would not have lost all of those lives in Iraq and continue to lose!  Romney got confused as to which war and which country was which, I think.  (I’m trying to be generous with the man.  As to why; I have no idea.  Maybe it’s because he did some good things in Massachusetts.)  People say he won this debate because he didn’t make a big mistake, however, personally, I think when he confuses our reasons for going to war with Afghanistan with those of Iraq, that’s a fairly large mistake.  Call me crazy.     

Getting back to Pawlenty…When the issue of immigration came up this is what he had to add to the public discourse, “By the way, this issue of birthright citizenship, again, brings up the importance of appointing conservative Justices.  That result is because of a U. S. Supreme Court determined that that right exists, not withstanding language in the Constitution.”  Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment could not be more clear, and the three times it has been challenged since 1868, when it was ratified, could not have upheld this portion of the Constitution without flying straight into the face of reality. (I know; I know that is all the Republican Party seems to be doing lately, but still.) This is what it says in our Constitution: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.  No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”  Alright, maybe Clarence Thomas, Sam Alito, John Roberts, oh crap!  We are way, too damn close to having this Amendment completely misinterpreted.  It’s a good thing Pawlenty showed his complete lack of spine on the Obamneycare thing.  But seriously, the 14th  Amendment could not be more plain, if you are born here, then you are one of us.  You get to be in the club, and, according to Article II of the Constitution, you get to run for President, Birthers!  

{Here’s my favorite 14th Amendment political cartoon}

Onward to Herman Cain.  When questioned about his apparent distaste for those of the Muslim faith and his previous comments regarding their, I can only guess at a snowballs chance in hell, possibility of having a position on his staff he responded thusly, “What I meant was… Would I be comfortable with a Muslim in my Administration?  Not that I wouldn’t appoint one… and I would not be comfortable because you have peaceful Muslims and then you have militant Muslims; those that are trying to kill us.  Secondly, yes, I do not believe in Sharia Law in American Courts.  I believe in American Laws in American Courts.  Period!”  Oh, Mr. Cain, I am hearing unpleasant echoes from the Civil Rights Era of this country in your statement.  Things that are still so vile to me that I will not type them out on this page, except that, “Good” and “Militant” were some of the words used.  I am happy to hear that you believe in American Law for American Courts.  But, I must ask, where did that part of your statement come from?  No one had said anything about anything as far as imposing Sharia Law in U S courts.  It was as if you were holding your own little conversation in your little head and forgot not to reply out loud.  By the way, you can rest your pretty, little, head, there is absolutely no way Sharia Law is ever going be adopted here.  Our people and our Constitution, you know the part about separation of Church and State (the part you Republicans keep trying to circumvent); will not allow any such thing.  (For the people that are driven around the bend by the, “…yes, I do not believe…” portion of his statement, I’m sure you will be able to find a Blog more capable than mine to go into those inadequacies.)    

Speaking of religion…Rep. Paul, yet, another, crazy-ass Texan to try to explain to out of state friends, seems to be a bit confused on the 1st Amendment.  Which is odd, considering he is a Libertarian who supposedly takes the Constitution literally, without any room for interpretation or nuance.  Anyway, back to my point.  Regarding Separation of Church and State, Ron Paul said, “The most important thing is the First Amendment that Congress shall write no Laws.  Which means Congress should never prohibit the expression of your Christian’s faith in a public place.”  Really?  Only Christians?  Here is what the First Amendment of the Constitution really says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…”  Mr. Strict Interpretation just did an astonishing turn around on this one.  I was flabbergasted; I thought surely, the moderator would call him on it.  But I was wrong.  Then I thought, surely, others in the media would jump all over him about it, but again, I was wrong.  Instead, what he was asked about, immediately following the debate, by Anderson Cooper was, “Do you think that Christianity is under attack in the United States?”  What!?  Where is the outcry over limiting the 1st Amendment to Christians, for Christ sake?  Everyone has remained eerily silent about his amazing revelation and seeming departure from his core political beliefs, not to mention limiting freedom of religion to Christians, only!  WTF?  

Meanwhile, Newty Baby was his usual puffed-up, bloviated self, droning on and on, trying to still be relevant to a Republican Party that he set in motion back in the early nineties that has since gone way beyond his outstretched meaty fingers.  Wow, I really don’t like the guy.  So, I’ll think I’ll move on to someone else.

Michelle “Tea Party Queen” Bachmann was asked about her legendary disdain for gay and lesbian couple’s right to marry.  Since New Hampshire is one of only five states to allow same sex marriages, she was asked if, as President, would she exercise her influence to overturn NH’s or any of the other state’s laws?  At first it was a lot blah, blah, blah, on her part, and avoiding the question.  But, the reporter that asked the question pinned her down and forced an answer out of her, “I’m running for the Presidency of the United States, I don’t see that it’s the roll of the President to go into states and interfere with their state law.”  Then, the moderator decided to get everyone’s position on the subject, whether it should be a U S Constitutional Amendment or an individual state’s decision.  All but Cain and Paul want a Constitutional Amendment restricting marriage between a man and a woman.  It took less than two minutes to get these answers from everyone else.  Bachmann frantically waived her hand so the moderator would allow her to speak again, and he did, and she said, “I do support a Constitutional Amendment on marriage between a man and a woman; but I would not overturn their state law.”  Huh?  OK, Tea Party Queen, even you must realize that you just spoke out of both sides of your mouth nearly simultaneously.  I am really fed up with you people and your Don’t Tread on Me crap, except when it comes to the rights of people you do not like or agree with!  

I have saved the most egregious for last.  With Rick Santorum on the stage, and his mouth moving, how could anyone else participating hope to outdo him in abhorrent statements.  He was burnishing his anti-abortion credentials.  “I’ve not just taken the pledge; I’ve taken the bullets.  To go out there and fight for this and lead on this issue.”  As far as I know, no one has shot at or blown up anyone on the anti-abortion side.  Unlike, the people on the other side who have been maimed and killed with bombs and bullets, Rick, they are the ones who have taken the bullets!  Not you!  Remember Doctor George Tiller?  He was assassinated on a Sunday, in his church.  An anti-abortion activist walked into that man’s church and shot him to death.  He took the bullets, not you!  You really should be ashamed of yourself for those words.  It is absolutely beyond me that you would choose to use those words to describe your position. 

Here is a link that chronicles all of violence associated with abortion clinics and providers.  Most of the crimes, unfortunately, have gone unsolved.

Oh boy, I can hardly wait for Our Governor of the Unnaturally Wide Shoulders to enter the race, but I bet Tea Party Queen would rather he sit this one out.  Just what the country needs, another Texas cowboy loose in the White House.    

BTW, yes, I really did watch the Republican Debate.  I am that much of a political junkie.

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